AN FSMS ISO 22OOO:2018 Certified Organisation
Registration No & Date: 35/KH 30-01-1984

Greetings Message

श्रुति भारद्वाज (IAS)
प्रशासक एव प्रबन्ध संचालक RCDF
श्री राजेंद्र मोर
श्री उग्रसेन सहारण
प्रबन्ध संचालक

Welcome to Sriganganagar Milk Union

Sriganganagar Milk Union was established in March, 1981 with average milk procurement of 300 ltrs/per day, Sriganganagar Milk Union was registered under rajasthan co-operative act 1965 with the motto to pay remunerative price to its milk producers around the year at their door step alongwith technical input services such as animal health care, supply of balance cattle feed, supplements and breed improvement programmes through Artificial Insemination and Natural Services and to provide quality

Our Products

Saras Dairy Products Range

Artificial Insemination and Natural Services and to Provide Quality Products to Consumer at Competitive Price.

Welcome to Sri Ganganagar Milk Union

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Our Process

Milk Procurement

Sriganganagar Milk Union Collecting Milk from its Member Dairy Cooperative Societies /PDCs. Each society has milk collection centre either in an owned or hired premise. Each morning and evening, the milk producers bring milk in their own containers (stainless steel) to the society. A representative sample of milk is drawn for testing the quality milk. Milk is collected in milk cans or directly to the cooler as the case may be. The collection accessories are made up of stainless steel (AISI 304). The measurement of milk is done carefully so as to avoid foam, shortage etc.

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